Robot Motion Planning

Summer 2024

Tue: 12:15-13:45 Lecture (HS2 InterimsII, 5416.01.003)
Wed: 14:15-15:00 Lecture (HS2 InterimsII, 5416.01.003) (first lecture on Wed, Apr 17)
Wed: 15:05-15:50 Tutorial (HS2 InterimsII, 5416.01.003) (we will start with lecture)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Darius Burschka (link to lab-info)

Office hours - contact me in the class.
Don't wait until the end of semester with questions.

Slides from the lecture as PDF
(PDF login: motion, password is the access code for recordings from the mail sent to participants)

Old recordings from 2020 with better image?

Live lecture transmission from 2024

Mon, Jul 8:
No classes this week, use the time to prepare questions for the discussion of topic on Tue, Jul 15.

Wed, Jun 26:
Today's lecture cancelled as well due to sickness of the instructor.

Tue, Jun 25:
Today's lecture cancelled due to sickness of the instructor.

Tue, May 14:
No physical lecture on May 14 and May 15th. Please, check the online lecture that we will discuss next week.

Fri, Apr 12:
Initial lecture to discuss details of the lecture will be (physical presence) on Wed, Apr 17th (additional online transmission through BBB Link).

General Informatiom:

The exam will be closed book. There are no cheat-sheets or calculators allowed. Just a pen and drawing tools. Do not forget your ID and StudentID!

The lecture will be offered in physical presence. In addition, livestreams with the link provided in the the lecture will be avaiable!
The recordings will show up over time in the Public Room Recordings section on here linked website in its bottom part.
The recording names start with a number specifying the order. The playback of the recording may not work on cellphones or tablets, so use a desktop or laptop computer with Chrome or Firefox for it.

The book from Choset mentioned on TUMonline and in the Motivation is supposed to be used for additional study. The slides do not provide sufficient initial information alone without any additional explanation from book or movie for study (for the students waiting until the usual 15hrs before the exam to start studying [someone called it workflow] in an email 😂). A copy as pdf for taking notes can be accessed through the link above with the login motion and the password of the recordings.

You can stop the movie at any slide and also selecting the 3 horizontal lines lets you continue at any slide that you want to see. I think that this is very convenient, because it may be too long for a single run.

PlanningTUM YouTube Channel

Screenshots from the Recording room:
