Welcome to MVP - Machine Vision and Perception Group

Research Projects


Robotics in Care

To enable the elderly and people in need of care to live independently for as long as possible with the help of robotics, mechatronics and artificial intelligence: Since 2018, a team of scientists and industry partners from the Technical University of Munich has been working on this goal.


Manufacture with AI, Cloud and Robotics

The focus of tomorrow's manufacturing is not on large quantities, but on the vision of batch size 1. The technological basis for this is being researched in the lighthouse project KI.FABRIK BAYERN.


Robotics in Health

Digital assistants in the intensive care unit, a digital assistant as data manager in the intensive care unit and an individualised digital twin for patients with congenital heart defects: These are some of the topics that physicians from the German Heart Institute Munich are researching in the lighthouse project Digital Heart Surgery.

Student Thesis and Projects

Motivated students wanted: New thesis and project options out!
For more information see here!