Andrei Costinescu

Bold projects are work in progress. If you're interested in collaborating on (any of) the projects listed below, send me an email.
- Static Context Analysis: My Master Thesis: A Python project for analyzing the static geometrical relations between objects (6D poses) in an environment to classify and represent its semantic context
- Comm: A network communication library (written in C++ with C# and Python interfaces) used as part of the KI.Robotik.Design Project in the Pinakothek der Moderne
- AndreiUtils: A collection library of useful C++ functions, data-structures, algorithms and (optional) interfaces to other libraries used in my projects
- RecordingLib (private): A C++ library useful for recording various types of data from sensors
- PerceptionData (private): A C++ library of data-structures representing environment perceptions (i.e. object positions, object poses, human skeleton keypoints, etc.)
- InputDeviceLib (private): A C++ library to get data from different input devices (cameras, 3d cameras, accelerometers, gyrometers, etc.)
- MarkerDetectionLib (private): A C++ library for detecting ARUCO markers useful for 3d object pose modelling (incl. Python script to generate tags)
- VisualPerception (private): A C++ library for processing visual inputs from the camera and generating, among others, object locations, human skeleton joints, and object 3d poses.
- FrankaRobotControl (private): A C++ library for controlling the Franka Panda robot using a joint-torques impedance controller.
- RobotModelling (private): A C++ library to interface with CoppeliaSim's VREP simulator for simulating robot behaviors before deploying them on the robot
- KalmanFilter (private): A C++ templated library of diverse Kalman Filter implementations
- ConceptLibrary (private): A C++ library for defining, creating and using object, action, and skill concepts programatically
- TaskRecognitionLib (private): A C++ library for modelling, recognizing, learning and executing tasks of daily living
- InertialNavigationSystem (private): A C++ library for sensor fusion of acceleration, gyrometer and image motion data for autonomous localization, mapping and navigation
- FeatureLib (private): A C++ library for extracting and storing (configurable) diverse image features for object rotation identification and object (6d pose) modelling
- MiosInterfaceLib (private): A C++ library for robot control to interface with MIOS: a robot control library developed at our MIRMI institute (also used in the KI.Robotics.Design Project at the Pinakothek)
- AndreiPythonUtils (private): A collection library of useful Python functions, data-structures, algorithms and (optional) interfaces to other libraries used in my projects
- FaceRecognition (private): A Python project for facial recognition and facial expression classification
- SpeechRecognition (private): A Python project for speech text-to-speech and speech-to-text functionality
- ActionRecognition (private): A collection of C++ executables using the previously-listed codes in action-recognition-related tasks