Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

M.Sc. Andrei Costinescu
Machine Vision and Perception Group (MVP)
Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI, former MSRM)
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Work address 1
Machine Vision and Perception Group (MVP)
Friedrich-Ludwig-Bauer Straße 3 (5932)
Garching b. München
Work address 2
Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI, former MSRM)
Georg-Brächle-Ring 60-62 (2491)
Room: D2.190
Floor: 2
Building: 8101 Friedrich-Ludwig-Bauer Straße 3 Garching b. München
Research Interests
- Knowledge Representation
- Task Representation (Modelling), Recognition, Learning, and Execution
- Human Action Modelling and Recognition, Action & Skill Semantics
- Context Analysis, Environment Semantics, Scene Understanding
- Robot Grasp Modelling
- Speech Analysis (Text-to-Speech & Speech-to-Text)
- Human Gesture & Facial Expressions Analysis
- Applied Artificial Intelligence
- Robot Perception
- Learning Strategies
- Problem Solving & Modelling
- Graph Theory and Applications to AI
- Visualization & Simulation
- 2020 - Ph.D. in Informatics, Technical University of Munich
- 2017 - 2019 M.Sc. in Informatics, Technical University of Munich
- 2014 - 2017 B.Sc. in Informatics, Technical University of Munich
- Adaptation of Task Goal States from Prior Knowledge. ArXiv Volltext
- A Knowledge Modeling Framework for Household Action Recognition and Task Representation: The Concept Hierarchy. Journal of AI, Computer Science and Robotics Technology (ACRT) mehr... BibTeX Volltext
- Modeling Knowledge with the Concept Hierarchy for Household Action Recognition and Task Representation. 1st German Robotics Conference, Nürnberg Volltext
- Using the Concept Hierarchy for Household Action Recognition. 2024 Geriatronics Summit Volltext
- Learning Essential Task Features By Visually Analyzing Non-Expert Human Demonstrations. 2023 Geriatronics Summit Volltext